Equality, diversity and inclusion
ILM Nursery positively strives to be inclusive by to meeting the needs of different people and taking deliberate actions to create an environment where everyone feels respected and able to achieve their full potential.
We ensure equal opportunities so that all individuals and groups have similar access to opportunities based on their individual needs.
ILM Nursery respects and values all forms of differences in individuals. People differ in all sorts of ways which may not always be obvious or visible-these difference might include-race and ethnicity, culture and beliefs, ability and disability, gender and sexuality, age and social status. ILM Nursery embeds anti-discriminatory practice, all staff are educated in delivering an inclusive and diverse environment.
ILM Nursery has a designated individual who co ordinates support for those who may have special educational needs or disability.
Our current designated SENCO ( Special educational needs and disability co-Ordinator) is Hasiba Akbarzai.
Support is offered and implemented based on the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice and strategies offered through the Graduated approach. To find out more about SEND support and information available , view the Birmingham Local offer page.