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Health and Safety

At ILM Nursery we make sure the nursery is a safe environment for children, parents, staff and visitors by carrying out safety checks on a regular basis in accordance with the timescales set out in the nursery checklists. These include daily checks of the premises, indoors and outdoors, and all equipment and resources before the children access any of the areas. The checks are recorded to show any issues and solutions.


We work collaboratively  with the local authority, Environmental health and the Health and safety Executive, to ensure our environment is suitably safe to a high standard. 


ILM Nursery ensures that there is a qualified and trained Paediatric First Aider onsite at all times, accidents and incidents are dealt with in a calm and professional manner. Parents/ carers are always informed and contact is recorded where an accident or incident occurs. 


At ILM nursery we place emphasis on teaching children about how to keep themselves and others safe, whilst balancing risk and challenge within learning opportunities. We believe in empowering children to develop an understanding of cause and effect, allowing them to manage the environment around them.  This includes offering children a range of local outings including walks and visits off the premises. We believe that planned outings and visits complement and enhance the learning opportunities inside the nursery environment and extend children’s experiences.  We always seek parents’ permission for children to be included in such outings and maintain health and safety procedures. 





Our Address


163 Gerrard Street,



B19 2AH


Our opening hours


Monday - Friday   

9:00 am – 4:00 pm


​Contact Us


Tel: 0121 241 3938

Mobile: 07360162729



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